Meetings, Agendas & Minutes

Probus Parish Council holds its Meetings in The Committee Room, Probus Village Hall, Amelia Close, Probus, TR2 4TS.

All Full Council & Finance Meetings commence at either 7.00pm or  7.30pm. The start time for each meeting will be published inn advance.

Planning Meetings start times vary dependent on the number of applications, please check the agenda under the Planning section.

Staffing Committee meetings are held at least once per year and further meetings are arranged as required.  Start times of meetings may vary but will usually be from 7.00pm. Members of the public & press may be excluded from  part or all of some meetings due to the confidential nature of the business to be conducted.

A public session is included in all Full Council, Finance & Planning meetings. The Annual Meeting of Electors commences at 7pm.